Framewerks Features.... Sally Pudney 1st Nov - 29th Nov
Posted on 11th November 2019 at 14:02
We are thrilled to kick off our 'Framewerks Features' with local artist Sally Pudney who is a landscape painter working in an expressive realistic style. A selection of Sally's work will be at Framewerks until Friday 29th Nov.

Sally's paintings focus on the landscapes, rivers, coast and estuaries of East Anglia, and the ancient trackways of Southern England. She works mainly in acrylic on board, often with added oil pastel.
“The focus of my interest in painting is light and colour. I love painting the huge East Anglian skies, the quiet lanes, the woodlands and the little boats around the estuaries of Essex and Suffolk. I try to capture the way light falls on the surface of water and mud, and the colours, shadows and movement of trees and fields against those vast skies.”

Tagged as: Framewerks Features, Sally Pudney
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